Nutrien Ag Solutions’ Canada Region launches Hometown Yield Challenge 

Posted February 2nd, 2024

Nutrien Ag Solutions’ Canada Region has officially launched the Nutrien Ag Solutions Hometown Yield Challenge, which will be accepting grower enrollments from February 2 to March 1.

Nutrien Ag Solutions’ Canada Region has officially launched a new program called the Nutrien Ag Solutions Hometown Yield Challenge. Growers in Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan are invited to enroll in the challenge which will run until November 2024, when the growers with the highest yield totals in each of the challenge’s designated regions will be announced as the winners. Challenge enrollment will begin on Friday, February 2, and submissions will be due by Friday, March 1. 

When the challenge comes to an end in November once harvest totals have been submitted, the two top yielding growers will each be awarded $20,000 to go to a local organization of their choice, and the three second place winners will each be awarded $5,000 to go to a local organization of their choice.

Participating growers must grow at least 80 acres of a Proven Seed hybrid of their choice, with phosphorus treated with Atlas XC. Field boundaries will be mapped in Echelon, and Loveland Product applications, such as Awaken or Radiate, applied throughout the season. For the full challenge requirements, please check out the terms and conditions for the Nutrien Ag Solutions Hometown Yield Challenge.

“While Nutrien Ag Solutions is a large, global company, we really pride ourselves on our focus and commitment to connecting with the communities where our employees and customers live and work,” says Jesse Hamonic, Vice President & Country Head, Nutrien Ag Solutions Canada. “To the growers who are participating, know that the Nutrien Ag Solutions employee base is eager to follow along with your season, see the pictures you post using #NutrienHometownPride, and are going to be cheering for you every step of the way.”  

For folks not participating in the yield challenge, but eager to follow along as the enrolled growers make their way through the 2024 growing season, not to worry! As part of the challenge, growers will be posting three times throughout their growing season to share updates. They will be tagging their posts #NutrienHometownPride, as well as tagging their respective Nutrien Ag Solutions Division’s social media account.  

“We wanted to create a way to promote our proprietary products that was different and fun for our customers,” says Derek Flad, Agronomic Innovation Manager for the Southern Alberta Division. “Competition always gets people fired up, but creating a benefit for the communities that our growers live and work in will not only engage our growers, but their neighbors as well. We’re excited to see growers enroll in this challenge and see their communities rooting for them throughout the 2024 growing season!” 

Derek is co-leading the yield challenge with Shelby LaRose, Crop Nutrition Product Manager for Canada. Both program leads are looking forward to engaging the Canada Region’s network of Crop Protection Advisors (CPA) to get growers involved in the challenge. 

“Our CPAs are integral to this challenge. They are going to be the resources that growers turn to for enrollment and advice to meet all the program’s checkpoints throughout the year,” says Shelby. “Thank you to all of the CPAs who will be participating in this program alongside their customers, we appreciate everything you do and the support for the Hometown Yield Challenge!”

Interested in enrolling in the Nutrien Ag Solutions Hometown Yield Challenge? Talk to your local CPA to enroll today! For more information, check out this PDF that explains more of the details of the challenge and how to sign up.

Official rules can be found here.


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