U.S. Projects
Participating Growers
Acres Enrolled
Crop Types
Earn tradable carbon credits by implementing one or more carbon practices which can be sold as an additional revenue stream. These practices include tillage reduction, cover crops, diversified rotations, permanent plantings, and nitrogen application efficiencies. Beyond the sale of carbon credits, your operation benefits from improved soil health, productivity and increased ROI per acre.
You can get paid for implementing specific combinations of products and practices that improve crop yield and positively impact soil and water. These offerings have been developed in collaboration with supply chain partners including processors and food companies that are invested in improving sustainability in their supply chain.
Consumer demand for sustainable crop production, traceability and sourcing transparency is on the rise. Supply chain partners such as processors and food and apparel companies will pay you to collect your sustainable practice production data so consumer products like bread and sweatshirts can be traced back to the farms that sustainably produced the wheat and cotton used to make them.
Today’s Sound Decisions.
Born of Tomorrow’s Data.
Because you’ll know what you need to do before it happens, Agrible provides you an advantage over Mother Nature. So you can plan ahead and implement operational efficiencies that improve ROI.