Posted April 14, 2021 | By: Brianna Lummerding

Manager of Agronomic Services

The farm has begun to take shipments of seed and fertilizer which means we are getting close to our Nutrien Ag Solutions 40 acre project hitting the dirt.

I could not begin to discuss the project without first giving recognition to some of those involved. Blake Weiseth, Applied Research Lead at the Ag In Motion site has been an excellent collaborator on all project ideas. Shawn Madsen, Manager of the Langham retail has been instrumental on blending intricate fertilizer orders, managing chemicals needed, and providing all crucial components needed for the site. Cynthia Dietz, Proven Seed® Brand Manager is the magician who always makes sure the site is a success. Gary Solid, Proven Seed Rep is always on site and the first one to lend a hand.

One of the things that has been going on behind the scenes is the official naming of the project. Stay tuned - a name is in the works! The use of the Digital Hub has been an exciting feature this year as we have been able to use this new platform for product ordering into the Langham retail.
Seed has been shipped and Nutrien Ag Solutions is excited to highlight Westlin60 flax, an experimental TruFlex™ canola with Roundup Ready® Technology with strong disease and harvestability package, AAC Broadacre wheat, and Altorado barley.

Fertilizer has been blended into mini-bulk bags and consists of the products MAP + MST, ESN, Urea and AMS. We are highlighting the new MAP + MST phosphorus fertilizer product which will be treated with Loveland’s Atlas® XC fertilizer enhancer, to showcase how these new fertilizer tools will work across the four crop types in regard to phosphorus fertilizer. ESN will be utilized as an enhanced efficiency fertilizer with urea to manage the 4R’s with nitrogen fertilization. The use of ESN also fits in well with Nutrien’s Carbon Pilot program as it has placed these acres into the “advanced” level.

Amy Katzman with Echelon™ has assisted me with boots on the ground mapping of the four fields for Echelon VRT maps. We are excited to be variable rating all fertilizer components to again support 4R on the fields while maximizing yield. Just because these fields are small, doesn’t mean they aren’t variable! The land consists of low areas prone to flooding and saline areas. These small areas can still be managed effectively with the right fertilizer placement.

Another use of the site will be the seeding of annual forages in a typical saline area. Annualmaster and Annual Pollinator will be showcased across three acres. These forages will be kitty corner to our Salinity Project with the Discovery Farm where Halo 2, Saltlander, and Salinemaster have been seeded in replicates across a saline area in a long-term forage study.

Now begins the hardest part - the waiting! Looking forward to updating once the seeder hits the dirt.

Happy and safe seeding!


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Innovation Acres Discovery Farm

Posted June 03, 2021

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